Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said initial results of plasma therapy trial conducted on four Covid-19 patients is encouraging and gives hope to save people’s lives from the dreaded disease.
Addressing an online media briefing, Kejriwal said the government will conduct more clinical trials of plasma therapy in the next two-three days. Thereafter, the government will seek Centre’s nod to use the therapy on all serious Covid-19 patients across the city, he added.
“In the last few days, we have tried plasma therapy on four patients at Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital. Till now the results are encouraging,” Kejriwal said, while addressing the media along with a top doctor from the Institute of Liver and Biliary Science.
Two of the four patients may be ready to leave hospital soon, he said, explaining that one of them was in a critical state. “These are only early results. We must not think we have found a cure for coronavirus. This has just given us a ray of hope,” Kejriwal said.
The chief minister appealed to all people who have recovered from the disease to come forward and donate plasma for serious COVID-19 patients to save their lives
Under the plasma therapy technique , transfusion of plasma from recovered patients to severely-ill COVID-19 patients is conducted. Convalescent plasma is an experimental procedure for COVID-19 patients.
SK Sarin, Director of the Institute of Liver and Biliary Science said he was happy with the positive results in the four patients.
“Blood and plasma is ready for two-three other patients that we have at LNJP hospital, we may give them the plasma therapy today,” he said, adding that if 10 patients could be treated using plasma therapy, it could be a good lead.