News Mantra: ExclusiveBelow normal minimum temperatures are likely in janNewsmantraJanuary 8, 2021 by NewsmantraJanuary 8, 20210 Temperature outlook Fig 10a, 10b and 10c shows predicted sub-divisional probability and the subdivision averaged...
News Mantra: ExclusiveSevere Flood in North East and BiharNewsmantraJuly 13, 2020 by NewsmantraJuly 13, 20200 Over 13 lakh people have been affected by floods in Assam, across 2015 villages in...
News Mantra: ExclusiveA wave of locust swarms in northern IndiaNewsmantraMay 28, 2020 by NewsmantraMay 28, 20200 Amidst a wave of locust swarms sweeping across western and northwestern India, the Department of...