CONG PRESIDENT SONIA GANDHI today describe Maharashtra political events a shameless attempt to subvert democracy in Maharashtra. You are all aware of the sequence of events.
She said The Governor behaved in an unprecedented and most reprehensible manner. There is no doubt that he acted under the instructions of the Prime Minister and the Home Minister. The BJP’s prepoll alliance did not hold because of its own arrogance and over-confidence.
Every effort was made to blatantly sabotage the three-Party alliance government formation, but we appealed to the Supreme Court and the Modi-Shah Government was totally exposed. Let me assure you, we three parties are united in our resolve to defeat the BJP’s sordid manipulations.
She said It is clear that the Modi-Shah government is bankrupt of decency and is clueless on how to manage the grave problems facing the country. The economic crisis is deepening by the day. Growth is declining, unemployment is growing, and investment is not happening. There is worsening distress among farmers, traders and small and medium businesses. Consumption, especially in rural areas, is falling. Exports are declining.
And prices of essential food commodities are rising, causing hardship to households. Instead of tackling the problem, the Modi-Shah Government is busy fudging statistics or, indeed, not publishing them at all! The public sector has been put on the block, in all probability, to be sold off to a few favoured business people. What will be the fate of the thousands of workers at those enterprises? Lakhs upon lakhs of salaried and ordinary families are worried about their deposits in banks.
Sonia said the Prime Minister and his Home Minister persist in pursuing 2 divisive policies. These issues, like the one relating to amendments in the citizenship law, strike at the very foundations of our Constitution. It is sheer hypocrisy on the part of the Modi-Shah establishment to celebrate November 26th as Constitution Day while deceitfully subverting this sacred document day in and day out! The whole of the northeast is in turmoil because of these amendments.
And because the NRC project implemented by the BJP government in Assam, monitored by the Supreme Court, has not fulfilled the RSS-BJP expectations and propaganda, there is now clamour in the ruling party for a fresh NRC in that state. The Home Minister is also speaking of unleashing an NRC in the entire country – a step that will only lead to more fear and panic.
Three months ago, democracy was again subverted when article 370 was erased (read down) under the blatantly false promise of a new beginning in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. But the ground realities are completely different from the fictitious images conjured up by the Modi-Shah government.