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The meaning of social media means it is a media to promote your social activities. Over here, your life becomes public knowledge. Your activities, associations, & attractions are all captured by the social media. You are now a public figure. Social media is the death of your privacy.

Facebook is a leading social media company. A large part of the world is on it. One of the early investors in Facebook was a CIA associate organization. What better & cheaper way for CIA to track the activities of global citizens! Social media is the death of your privacy.

Google maps help you navigate from 1 place to another. All your data is shared with the App. In the same way, all Apps have your data. Also, sometimes read the end user agreement when you sign on to an App. It says all your data is the propriety of the App. If you value your privacy, then this is scary. Social media is the death of your privacy.

You can be sure that every government in the world is heavily using tracking mechanisms of social media. It needs to track to ensure that it’s institutions of power stay intact. Social media is the death of your privacy.

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