As a part of the HR initiative, ‘Pragati Ra Sathi’ a Plant visit was organised for the spouses of employees of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) to sensitize them about the work conditions and working norms of the plant to become effective partners of progress.
Spouses of 20 employees from Raw Material Handling Plant, Steel Melting Shop-II, and Traffic and Raw Material Department were taken around Blast Furnace – V, Steel Melting Shop – II, New Plate Mill and Hot Strip Mill – II on 8th January, 2025. Mr. M G Srikanth, GM (SMS-II) presided over the welcome, orientation and interaction sessions. Also present were Mr. Ajit Das, GM (SMS-II), Mr. Pranay Premendra, GM (SMS-II), Mr. Sanjay Mehrotra, GM (HR), and other Officers of the Department.
In the orientation programme the groups were shown a video on Plant Overview and Safety. During interaction the Senior Officers urged the guests to continue their unstinted support and encourage their partners to adhere to safety norms and standards. The visitors were briefed about the process of steel making right from Raw Material channelization to finished products.
The programmes were coordinated by Mr. Sambit Nandi, Assistant Manager (HR) in association with the concerned Departments under the guidance of Mr. Debasish Pattanayak, AGM (HR).