PAT for Q2 2023-24 jumped to Rs 1,121 Cr from Rs 367 Cr in the corresponding period of previous year, registering a growth of 205%.
Key Highlights – Financial Performance
- Profit for the period (PAT) for the Half Year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs.1,452 Crore ; registering a growth of 66.32%.
- Profit Before Tax for the half year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs. 2215 Crore; registering a growth of 71.42%.
- The EBITDA of the Company for the Half Year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs.3,278 Crore registering a growth of 36.75%.
- Revenue from operation for the half Year ended 30.09.2023 Rs.5,072Crore .
- The Total Income of the Company for the half Year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs.5,434 Crore
- Profit After Tax (PAT) of the Group for half Year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs.1,500 Crore .
- Profit/ (Loss) before tax of the Group for the Half Year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs. 2,314 Crore.
- The EBITDA of the Group for the Half Year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs.3,675 Crore .
- Revenue from operation of the Group for half Year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs. 6,294 Crore
- The Total Income of the Group for Half Year ended 30.09.2023 is Rs 6,663 Crore
- NLCIL successfully bagged 810MW Grid connected solar project tender floated by RVUNL in Rajasthan on 10th Aug, 2023.
- NLCIL won the bid for North Dhadu (Western Part) Commercial Coal Mine in E- auction on 1st Aug 2023. This is the first mine won by NLCII. under Commercial auctions.
- PPA was signed between NLCIL and GRIDCO for supply of 800 MW from Talabira Thermal Plant On 28th Sep 2023.
- PUA (Power Usage Agreement) was signed between NLCIL and RUVNL for supply of 300 MW Solar Power under CPSU Scheme, on 17th Aug 2023.
- Wholly Owned Subsidiary NLC India Green Energy Limited (NIGEL) was incorporated, on 13th Oct 2023.
- On 21st Aug 2023, Permanent diversion of Paravanar River was completed for further advancement of Mining.