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How to Learn new Skills during times of Online Education

How to Learn new Skills during times of Online Education

                                                                                        RAHUL SAXENA 
Learning new skills has always been one thing that Students and Professionals have both been keen on to drive and grow their careers. During changing and turbulent times, learning new and futuristic skills always help in evolving ourselves to the needs of the World.
Online Education has in general made it easy to learn new skills. With presence of many platforms and services, it has never been easier to learn something new that can help. Not just for Professional Skills, but even for recreational activities it is an amazing time to learn new hobbies.
Speaking about Professional Skills, how should one learn them. It is very important to follow the following steps when learning a new skill.
  1. Evaluating Ourselves- Find your Education and Career Goal, and evaluate your current skills to find skills that you may want to learn. If you are not sure of your Goal yet, do not worry. Evaluate your current skills and see which skillsU you may want to learn.
  2. Skills can be of two main types- Technical (Microsoft office, SPSS for Statistics, etc.), or, Interpersonal Skills (Communication, Team work,etc.). You can learn both.
  3. Identify right places to learn the Skills– Take guidance on where you can learn skills from Teachers, Experienced people in Family, Industry Experts (you can int with them in conferences, on Social Media, etc.),Mentors, etc.
  4. Do not over commit- Do not learn too many skills at once. Start with one or few and after completing them, go to others. Always remember, the avenues to learn are many; we have to still go step by step so we do not over burden ourselves.
Learning new skills is of great importance. Do not stress yourself while learning though. It takes time to be great in your field. Enjoy the process and stay happy.
Author is Founder of Squad Connect, a service to help Students learn and get Mentorship. Contact Squad Connect to learn about which Skills to learn and how you can do so.


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