In an award function organized at the ED (Works) Conference Hall on 30th January, 2025, 12 employees of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) were awarded under the My RSP-My Identity initiative. Mr. Biswaranjan Palai, ED (Works) presented the awards to the recipients. Notably, the awards are in recognition of the best thought and views posted in the RSP PORTAL EMPLOYEE ZONE (Web and Mobile app) during the course of the competition which was open from 1st to 15th January, 2025.
It is worth mentioning here that My RSP-My Identity, an unique initiative that encourages employees to share their positive thoughts, emotions and experience of being part of the organisation. As per this initiative, employees are required to write at least one complete sentence of positive thoughts about RSP everyday over a span of 15 days.
In the 5th edition of the competition, 2798 employees made entries as part of the initiative. A Committee of senior officers evaluated the responses online and submitted their marks on daily basis. The objective of the initiative is to strengthen the connect of the employees with the organization and making them the brand ambassadors of the company.