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PM Shri Narendra Modi to be Chief Guest at IIT Delhi’s 51st Annual Convocation

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi will be the Chief Guest at the 51st Annual Convocation ceremony of IIT Delhi on 07th November 2020. The Prime Minister will address the Convocation through video conferencing.

Hon’ble Union Minister of Education, Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ and MoS for Education, Shri Sanjay Dhotre will grace the occasion (in-person) as Guests of Honour.

The Convocation will be conducted in a hybrid mode with a physical in-person ceremony with limited attendance in the Institute’s Dogra Hall, and an online webcast reaching out to all graduating students, their parents, distinguished alumni, invited guests, and everyone else. At the 51st Convocation, degrees will be conferred on 2019 graduating students.

S.No. Programmes No. of Graduating Students

1. Ph.D. 298

2. Master of Science (Research) 13

3. M.Tech. 522

4. Master of Design 20

5. MBA 116

6. Master of Science 151

7. PG Diploma of IIT Delhi (Naval Construction) 25

8. Diploma of IIT Delhi (DIIT) 01

9. M.Tech (Dual Degree Programme) 105

10. M.Tech Under Advanced Standing 10

11. M.Tech (05-Year Integrated Programme) 01

12. B. Tech. 744

13. Undergraduate Diploma

13 Total 2019

The Institute will award President’s Gold Medal, Director’s Gold Medal, Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma (former President of India) Gold Medal, Perfect Ten Gold Medals and Institute Silver Medals to the graduating students at the Convocation. (Medal Winners’ details- Annexure 1 attached) The President’s Gold Medal is awarded to a student who is topper amongst all graduating UG students for highest academic achievement/ CGPA. Director’s Gold Medal is awarded to a graduating UG student for his/her achievements in Academics as well as ExtraCurricular Activities. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma (former President of India) Gold Medal is awarded to a graduating PG student who is adjudged as best among all M.Tech graduating students for INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI PAGE | 2 general proficiency including character & conduct, excellence in academic performance, extra-curricular activities and social service. Perfect 10 Gold Medal is awarded to a graduating PG student who secures CGPA of 10 out of 10. The Institute Silver Medal is awarded to a graduating UG student securing highest CGPA in respective programme. At the 51st Convocation, IIT Delhi will also felicitate its esteemed alumni with Alumni Awards 2020. Five IIT Delhi alums will receive the ‘Distinguished Alumni Award’ and one alumnus will receive the ‘Distinguished Alumni Service Award’. The Institute also announced addition of a new Alumni Award i.e. ‘Graduates of Last Decade (GOLD) Award’ from this year onwards. This award will be given in two categories- i) Teaching & Research, and ii) Entrepreneurship. (Alumni Awards 2020 Awardees’ detailsAnnexure 2 attached) eVIDYA @IITD On the ocassion of the Convocation, eVIDYA@IITD (ई-विद्या@IITD)- Enabling Virtual & Interactive-learning for Driving Youth Advancement will be launched by the Union Education Minister, Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’. Under this initiative, online certificate programmes will be offered by IIT Delhi in different domains of Engineering, Technology, Science, Humanities and Management for the Indian as well as international participants. eVIDYA @IITD will cater to the needs of the Industry, Society and Individual Participants. Chairperson, Board of Governors (BoG), IIT Delhi Hon’ble President of India and Visitor, IIT Delhi, Shri Ram Nath Kovind has appointed Dr. R. Chidambaram, former Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to GoI as the Chairperson, Board of Governors (BoG), IIT Delhi (   additional charge). Dr. R. Chidambaram is also  Chairperson, BoG, IIT Jodhpur.

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