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Coal India Ltd production goes up by 9.85% to 175.35 MT

Coal India Ltd production goes up by 9.85% to 175.35 MT

Coal India Limited (CIL) has recorded an impressive growth of 9.85%, with production reaching 175.35MT in FY 2023-24 as compared to 159.63 MT during the same period the previous year.  Captive mines /others also attained a growth of 4.74 % touching 30.48 MT in FY 23-24 as compared to 29.10 MT in FY 22-23 during the same period. These accomplishments have contributed to the overall positive momentum in the sector.

Simultaneously, cumulative coal dispatch has shown an upward trend, reaching 239.69 MT (Provisional) in Q1 of FY 2023-24, as compared to 224.08 MT in Q1 of FY 2022-23 with a growth of 6.97%. Coal India Limited (CIL) registered 186.21 MT production in Q1 of FY 2023-24 as compared to 176.81 MT in Q1 of FY 2022-23 with a growth of 5.32%. At the same time, SCCL, & captive/others have recorded 18.07 MT and 35.41 MT in Q1 of FY 2023-24 as compared to 17.30 MT and 29.97 MT in Q1 of FY 2022-23, with a growth of 4.45% and 18.16% respectively. These figures highlight the efficiency of the coal supply chain in ensuring smooth distribution across the country.

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